In April, the SEGLER trainees took a two-day intensive course on nutrition with the nutritionist Ms. Rahimi. During this course, they learned about the valuable properties of fruit and vegetables.
Fruit and vegetables contain fiber, vitamins and numerous minerals and secondary plant substances. At the same time, they have a low energy density, which means they don't make you fat! Fruit is healthy, delicious, low in calories and prevents diseases. Therefore, the rule of thumb is that you should eat fruit and vegetables five times a day.
The SEGLER health scouts want to implement this goal in the company!
From September 9, 2019, we will be introducing a fruit basket on a trial basis. Every employee can help themselves (consumption on the SEGLER premises) and meet their vitamin needs in a natural and delicious way. There is a basket in the break room and another in the construction area.
We hope for great interest and wish you bon appetit!