Ever higher demands on surface quality and shorter delivery times on the one hand and increasing health and environmental awareness on the other can only be met through extensive investments and great efforts. SEGLER has accepted this challenge and is also supported by politicians.

Logistical and ergonomic requirements were the focus when designing the new halls. In addition, space will be created for a new pickling plant using the so-called rotary pickling process. "The new plant will bring us several advantages at the same time," says Dr. Quint confidently. "We will improve the surface quality of the stainless steel parts for our customers, as contamination is eliminated by the continuous cleaning of the acid. In addition, the pickling process is automated and documented under fixed parameters. This makes operator errors less likely. Our employees no longer come into direct contact with the chemicals and are therefore better protected. In addition, the new process reduces the amount of chemicals and energy required. This is particularly important for our environment and responsibility as a company."

Resource-saving management and the lowest possible CO2 emissions are also goals of the Lower Saxony state government. This is why it is providing extensive support for the investment. The purchase of the pickling plant is being subsidized by the "Optimization of operational resource efficiency" program of the NBank, the development bank of the state of Lower Saxony.

“This shows that economic investment and environmental protection already go hand in hand in many companies,” says District Administrator Lübbersmann happily.