Energy consumption is an important cost factor in the manufacturing industry and customers expect resource-efficient production. Students at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences are conducting an energy audit and uncovering waste.
The students and their professor had already evaluated calculations and load profiles from previous years beforehand. The results were presented to management in a concise manner by Claudia Eimert, Tanja Gniszweski, Dieter Roberg and Prof. Anne Schierenbeck from the Energy Management Department at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences - Lingen Campus. SEGLER was pleased that the energy-saving measures of the past few years are clearly visible. Simply by switching to LED technology and improving the compressed air technology and control system, the base load for electricity was reduced by 50%. The peak load is around 20% lower.
After the results to date were presented, the individual energy consumers were examined in detail during a tour. The first ideas for improvement were discussed during this tour. The final presentation will take place on the university campus in Lingen.
The SEGLER team is looking forward to your suggestions!