Health is important at any age. Eating well and cooking together is fun and healthy.

Cooking is not part of the typical curriculum for a mechanic in the technical field. The SEGLER trainees were accordingly reserved when the Azubi-Fit program focused on healthy eating at work and in private life. However, the skeptical mood quickly turned into a relaxed atmosphere, everyone had a lot of fun cooking and expressed themselves very positively.
This seminar took place over 2 days of 3 hours each in the kitchen of the secondary school in Berge.

On the first day, the focus was on classifying oneself in the food pyramid and at the end the trainees made healthy spreads with tuna or avocados, wraps, a buttermilk banana shake and a homemade muesli with fruit and yoghurt.

The second day began with a drink check, which showed the number of sugar cubes in a drink. The ingredients were also marked with red or green dots, depending on whether they were good or bad for the body. This was followed by cooking a healthy lunch, where a herb curd cream, a couscous salad, hand breast fillet with chopped cashew nuts as breading, rosemary potatoes and tarte flambée with spinach and feta, for example, were cooked/baked.

The Azubi-Fit program was organized together with the Techniker Krankenkasse and took place together with the nutritionist/health educator Ms. Monika Rahimi