SEGLER employees who spend a lot of time on the road get to know their cars at their limits and train safe reactions in dangerous situations.
Even in times of the corona pandemic, not everything can be done online. For example, in order to clarify technical details on site at the customer or to carry out assembly and maintenance, some SEGLE employees cover high mileages of several tens of thousands of kilometers per year.
Critical situations can never be completely avoided. It is good if you assess them correctly and react correctly. To do this, you must have practiced such situations in a safe environment beforehand and know how your vehicle behaves at the limits.
This was the focus of the eight-hour safety driving training course, conducted by the Verkehrswacht eV at the training ground in Lingen. In several exercises, the vehicles and drivers were taken to the limit in a controlled manner.
It began with a slalom drive on a dry and slippery road, followed by several braking and evasive maneuvers as well as an accelerated circular drive to determine the speed limit.
Between the exercises, the topics were discussed theoretically and the participants were given many estimation tasks with a big “aha” effect. At the end, everyone was amazed and went home satisfied with many new insights.
We wish all employees a safe journey at all times and would especially like to thank the trainer Ralf Hänsel for the memorable training course!