Fördertechnik – individuelle Lösungen für jeden Prozess
Von einfachen Förderaufgaben bis hin zu komplexen Verfahrensketten – die conveyor technology ist essenziell für die Verarbeitung von Schüttgütern, Pasten und Schlämmen. Sie kommt in vielfältigen Anwendungen zum Einsatz, von der Gewinnung bis zur Weiterverarbeitung.
SEGLER entwickelt maßgeschneiderte mechanische Förderlösungen wie bucket elevators, die exakt auf Ihr Einsatzgebiet abgestimmt sind. Ob horizontale, vertikale oder diagonale Fördersysteme, ob einfache oder mehrstufige Förderprozesse – unsere Systeme bieten höchste Wirtschaftlichkeit, produktschonenden Transport und maximale Verfahrenssicherheit. Auf Wunsch integrieren wir weitere Prozessschritte wie Dosieren, Kristallisieren, Temperieren oder Trocknen, um Ihre Produktion noch effizienter zu gestalten. Fördertechnik, die perfekt auf Sie abgestimmt ist.

pipe trough
If more wear-resistant or coated materials are used for the screw and trough, the conveyor screws also perform very well with abrasive or corrosive media such as salt, fertilizer, pigments, powder, sewage sludge, ash, sand, etc. Thanks to further design measures, they also form the ideal process engineering solution for sticky, pasty media that tend to clog.
Reference project:
SPIRATOR mixing and crystallization screw
Product range:
- Horizontal screws, vertical screws, inclined screws
- single screws, twin screws, multiple screws
- spiral conveyors, hollow screws
- Pipe trough, U trough, V trough, Omega trough, double U trough
- ribbon screws
- paddle snails
- full snails
- spiral conveyor
Properties / Variations:
- funding
Up to approx. 500 m³/h - screw conveyors
Up to 40 m - materials
In stainless steel, mild steel and special materials such as wear-resistant, chemical or heat-resistant materials - trough shapes
Pipe trough, U trough, V trough, Omega trough, double U trough - design
Variable blade and shaft design: conical helix, variable, progressive screw pitch, band spiral, toothed, etc. - equipment
Armouring, wear protection plates, coatings, cleaning openings, inspection hatches, speed monitors, level indicators, CIP, multiple material loading / unloading points - designs
Dust-tight, gas-tight, pressure-tight or pressure-shock-resistant, vacuum operation, food-safe, ATEX-compliant, WHG-compliant - seals
Product-specific seals
- Dustproof
- Low system and maintenance costs
- Low susceptibility to interference
- Low-noise operation
- Simple and robust construction
- Small space requirement
- continuous operation

If more wear-resistant or coated materials are used for the screw and trough, the conveyor screws also perform very well with abrasive or corrosive media such as salt, fertilizer, pigments, powder, sewage sludge, ash, sand, etc. Thanks to further design measures, they also form the ideal process engineering solution for sticky, pasty media that tend to clog.
Reference project:
Cooling screw for bottom ash removal directly from fluidized bed combustion (CFB)
Product range:
- Horizontal screws, vertical screws, inclined screws
- single screws, twin screws, multiple screws
- spiral conveyors, hollow screws
- Pipe trough, U trough, V trough, Omega trough, double U trough
- ribbon screws
- paddle snails
- full snails
- spiral conveyor
Properties / Variations:
- funding
Up to approx. 500 m³/h - screw conveyors
Up to 40 m - materials
In stainless steel, mild steel and special materials such as wear-resistant, chemical or heat-resistant materials - trough shapes
Pipe trough, U trough, V trough, Omega trough, double U trough - design
Variable blade and shaft design: conical helix, variable, progressive screw pitch, band spiral, toothed, etc. - equipment
Armouring, wear protection plates, coatings, cleaning openings, inspection hatches, speed monitors, level indicators, CIP, multiple material loading / unloading points - designs
Dust-tight, gas-tight, pressure-tight or pressure-shock-resistant, vacuum operation, food-safe, ATEX-compliant, WHG-compliant - seals
Product-specific seals
- Dustproof
- Low system and maintenance costs
- Low susceptibility to interference
- Low-noise operation
- Simple and robust construction
- Small space requirement
- continuous operation

bucket elevators
When it comes to the vertical conveying of bulk goods, bucket elevators have become indispensable in many areas - whether in the basic materials industry, in the production of building materials, food or in the chemical industry.
They are suitable for almost all bulk materials: from powdery, granular, chunky and easily flowing to heavy and abrasive. They are also used for liquid, sticky and hot materials. The type of bucket elevator is chosen depending on the material being conveyed, mechanical and thermal stress, drive concept and planned service life.
Reference project:
Belt bucket elevator for bulk materials with grain size up to 250 mm
product range:
- belt bucket elevators
- chain bucket elevators
- Vertical bucket elevators, inclined bucket elevators, scoop bucket elevators
- Additional equipment such as maintenance platforms
- Individual parts such as cups, drive drums
Properties / Variations:
- funding
Up to 350 t/h - screw conveyors
Up to 60 m - materials
construction made of steel or stainless steel - traction device
Fabric or steel cable belts, round link or plate link chains - Mug
steel, stainless steel, aluminum, plastic
Single-strand or central chain bucket elevator, two-strand or round steel chain bucket elevator, scoop bucket elevator, feed bucket elevator or mixed operation, gravity emptying, centrifugal emptying or mixed emptying - equipment
Safety components such as inspection hatches, cleaning hatches, misalignment monitoring & backstop - designs
Dustproof, pressure-shock-resistant and gas-tight, food-safe, temperature-resistant, according to ATEX Directive 94/9/EC - maintenance
If required, construction including maintenance platforms and stairs for optimal accessibility, as well as auxiliary drives
- Dustproof
- Low energy costs
- Product-friendly, low-noise conveying
- High availability, long service life
- Minimal space requirement
- High conveying speeds possible (depending on the material being conveyed)
- Very smooth running
- Low wear
- Low maintenance
- Low maintenance and operating costs
Efficient conveying solutions for your processes
Whether bulk goods, pastes or sticky media - we develop conveyor technology that adapts perfectly to your requirements. Contact us and benefit from tailor-made systems, high cost-effectiveness and maximum process reliability!